Tag Archives: blog

Lovin Bloglovin

I don’t know about you, but I love surfing the internet. I could spend hours (and sometimes I actually do) just flicking around on websites reading the news, catching up on celebrity gossip, and learning random and often useless facts.

I also love reading blogs. As a freelance writer, I read blogs for a number of reasons. Some I read to keep up to date with latest trends or news in my chosen niches. Some I read to develop relationships with the people who write or run them, some I read just because they are great.

Whatever the reason, I read quite a lot of blogs, and the question of how to follow them and keep up with the latest posts is always an issue. There are so many ways to follow a blog it can be hard to juggle them all. Continue reading

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Blog Block

About a month ago, I set up this website with the aim of promoting my freelance writing. I spent ages playing with the different layouts before picking favorite and more hours trying to come up with a cool name. I wrote my about page, added some links and some writing samples and then I looked at the blog tab. I’ve been looking at it ever since. I thought it would be easy, I thoughts would just click on the tab and start spouting forth in a brilliant way. Instead, I had blog block.

Whenever I thought about my blog, something held me back. It was as if I was scared of writing anything because it might not be good enough. They say a blog should be personal, but when you write for a living your blog also becomes something people may judge you by. It could score you work, but equally if you put a comma in the wrong place or have an opinion on something that a potential client does not agree with it could lose you a job.

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