Monthly Archives: October 2012

Stop Thinking, Start Doing: five ways to beat procrastination.

I love procrastinating. I reckon I could do it all day if I tried really hard. My favourite type of procrastination is research. If I am reading something that relates to a current writing project or something like blogging then I can kid myself that what I am doing is worthwhile. It doesn’t matter if I am reading my 100th article on how to drive traffic to your blog which says basically the same as the other 99 articles or if I’m reading my tenth article for a writing which only required two sources, if I can call it research then I can pretend it is important.

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Come and visit my new parenting blog

So, despite having plenty of paying work to keep me busy (and I am keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way), I have followed through on one of my plans and set up a new parenting blog.

I decided to blog about parenting an only child as my son is our first child and we are not planning on having any more, so it looks like he will be the only one. So many people automatically assume I will want more children and look at me a bit funny when I say no, so I decided to delve into the subject a bit more as well as blogging about some of our day-to-day life.

I hope you’ll come over and have a look. You can find the new blog here